How Custom Landing Pages Will Bring You More Success

June 21, 2016 01:53 AM Published by Ashley Logan

This month we broke down the call to action (CTA) and showed how it plays an important role in guiding website visitors to take the first step in entering your sales funnel. The exchange is a simple process of submitting their email for a valuable piece of premium content, but you’ll need a little more help than just a bright, shiny, obvious CTA button. That’s why we’re showing you the power of a custom landing page and how it can bring you even more success.

What is a landing page?
A landing page is the tool that takes your website visitors and raving fans, and turns them into leads and customers. It’s the last step before these individuals enter the sales funnel, and it’s critical because it specializes in bringing excitement to the person on the other side of the screen—enticing them to enter your exclusive club. The page itself is a web page that sits behind your CTA button. It might contain a video or some enticing copy that gets the readers excited and informed on the value they will receive from the special offer your giving to them, usually for free.

Why you need to create custom landing pages:

A place for your offers
Landing pages serve the purpose of housing your offers, whether it’s a free ebook, a free challenge, or a free consultation, these offers are tactics to get leads in the door and your landing page is the keyholder. Use your landing page to collect the “payment” of your reader’s contact information in exchange for the freebies that you’ll drop into their inbox or provide them with a direct link after they hit “submit.”

Collect key metrics about your audience
With your landing page intake form, you can select to collect valuable information about the audience that is making their way to your website and shows interest in each individual offer. With the information your visitor provides, you can gain insight into the demographics of your audience and what segment of your target market is converting into leads. You can also track who your most loyal leads are—these are the most important because they will be the individuals who reconvert with each one of your offers and are most likely to turn into paying customers.

Understand what works, tweak, and sell more
Since the landing page is a single page with one objective, you can easily track what is working and converting, and what isn’t. By making a single tweak every couple days or a few tweaks with each campaign, you’ll know what your audience likes, what attracts them, and what gets them to convert. From there, you’ll tweak and use the highest converting combination of copy, graphics, buttons, and multimedia. From there, sit back, relax, and watch your sales soar.

Building a custom landing page is an easy way to attract, convert, and sell more to your audience. It’s the perfect system to learn about your audience, test marketing, and offer readers premium content in exchange for their email address—your greatest asset in online marketing. If creating enticing copy or regular content isn’t your thing, contact Yakkety Yak. We’ll help you drive more traffic to your website, get your audience to convert, and increase your revenue this year with our leading content marketing strategy.

Tags: website copy, Content, Custom Landing Pages, yakkety yak

This post was written by Ashley Logan


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