How To Repurpose Content

April 01, 2015 01:42 PM Published by Ashley Logan

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Why recycling content is the smartest move a content marketer can make

The goal of every content marketer is to create evergreen content that makes an impact on readers. If your blog topics are relevant and engaging, then it becomes suddenly easy to use the same content over and over again in different ways. When thinking about how to repurpose content, the best thing you can do as a content writer is to strategize upfront about how each topic you write about can be utilized in multiple outlets—then watch your engagement skyrocket.

Repurposing content is about modifying existing, successful content and adapting it in a new way. By giving old content new life, you extend the life of your message. For your audience, repurposed content allows you to share a fresh perspective in a different medium, perhaps even reach a new demographic altogether. Repurposed content also has strong SEO benefits, as you have a greater chance to target desired keywords when sharing content in multiple formats. Most importantly, when you post similar content in a variety of places, you strengthen your credibility and overall business message.

The repurposing process begins with your archive. Look through old, successful content, such as blog and social media posts until you find a piece or an idea that is worth either mentioning in a fresh new way. You could start by linking to an old blog post on social media with a useful  tip or pointer for your readers, or taking an idea that resonated with your readers and reworking it into a graphic . Then, consider a new medium where you can share and promote your new, reused information. A snippet of a blog post that received high traffic could be an even better podcast. A high-engagement Facebook post could be parlayed into an Pinterest infographic. Tweets can be transformed into eBooks, blog posts or even a webinar. The opportunities are endless.

Thinking outside the box with your content will save you time and maximize engagement over the course of your content program. Plus, it’s truly one of the best ways to stay relevant and in-touch with our audience. And now that you know this secret, hopefully, as you begin the content process, you will create content with the specific plan of eventually repurposing it for something new. Good luck!

About Yakkety Yak

Yakkety Yak Yakkety Yak LLC is a Chicago-based full-service content marketing company that produces custom written content for businesses, including blogs, website copy, case studies, newsletters, social media marketing, public relations and more. We want to be an extension of your marketing team to help you connect to end users and decision influencers, based on the principle of one common voice, for one target audience. Ready to get started? Let's Yak.

Tags: increase engagement, Content, content marketing, how to repurpose content, writing content

This post was written by Ashley Logan


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