Understanding Instagram

December 23, 2014 09:26 AM Published by Ashley Logan

How Instagram is changing the way we view photos.

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Since launching four years ago, Instagram has transformed how we interact with photos on the internet. By creating a platform solely for sharing experiences, products and moments in time, Instagram connects the world through images. And recently, this visual network transformed from a simple photo sharing network into a growing visual marketing space, the problem for most businesses is understanding Instagram and how to use it.

The Instagram platform was initially designed for personal use rather than for businesses, so navigating this world as a marketer isn't as simple as it sounds. As marketers, we can upload images, edit them and add filters, hashtags, collages and more, all tools to attract attention from potential consumers—but since there is not yet a paid advertising feature, getting noticed has to be an organic process. Business owners can build an Instagram following by using industry-related hashtags, following followers, creating a posting schedule and thinking outside the box with visually appealing images.

The good news with Instagram is that sharing is simple, as Instagram distributes photos to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Flickr and FourSquare with ease. Oddly enough, the one network where it's difficult to share Instagram images is Instagram. Users have to download the original image, crop, re-upload and give credit where credit is due—a time consuming process that eliminates a lot of the original branding. By integrating a regram feature with your Instagram account, the multi-step process becomes a one-click ordeal. The most popular and free regram app, Repost, allows users to re-publish photos by giving virtual credit to the original photographer. For brands, reposting images is a great way to engage with followers, find new followers and build and maintain virtual relationships.

For times when you want to enhance the creativity of your photos or make a photo collage, LiPix is a great tool. Formerly Instaframe, LiPix is a free and popular tool to enhance your Instagram by creating colorful and creative collages. LiPix makes it easy to add text and emoticons in a scrapbook-like manner to any of your photos. Whether you’re sharing photos of your employees, new products or even promoting a contest, collages are one of the best ways to showcase a variety of photos in your feed. Instagram is also compatible with other collage applications such as FrameSwagg, PicStitch and Photoblend.

From a business perspective, Instagram provides an exclusive opportunity to build a visual community and identity entirely around your brand.  Engage in two-sided conversations with followers, seek out photos that provide inspiration and comment on them. Consider implementing Instagram video into your feed as well to tell your brands specific story. Leverage photo contests on Instagram by using Facebook and harness the power of photos to provide prizes to your customers.

As Instagram continues to evolve and grow, businesses have the ability to stay at the forefront of these changes. With tools like LiPix and Repost, you can enhance your Instagram experience and reach a wider audience. By engaging with your followers, businesses can deepen relationships and build communication with the power of photos and videos. Keep your images fresh, inspiring and thought provoking and we can promise that customers continue to find you.

Yakkety YakYakkety Yak is a full-service content marketing company that produces custom written content for businesses, including blogs, website copy, case studies, newsletters, social media marketing, public relations and more. We want to be an extension of your marketing team to help you connect to end users and decision influencers, based on the principle of one common voice, for one target audience. Yakkety Yak helps you find the words you were looking for —so let’s YAK.

Tags: Instaframe, Instagram, Business, LiPix, Regram, Repost, social media, Social Media, Social Networks

This post was written by Ashley Logan


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